Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Two bulls, four big ass horns and a lady

So, I have become obsessed with these two bulls that I see on my drive to and from work. The horns on these magnificent creatures have to be at least 10 inches in diameter at the base. I've never seen anything like it, and I am completely captivated by what they are up to every day. They have been grazing a solo pasture for the last three weeks (that's when I first noticed them). Just the two of them, never more than a few feet away from one another. Buddies. Lying in the mist in the mornings and looking towards the East in the afternoons to avoid the harsh sunset. This amazing energy radiates from them, and something tells me that they have an interesting story to tell. I think they might be Watusi cattle, but I'm not exactly livestock savvy, so who knows. All I know is that they are enchanting, and I dig them, alot.....I know, I'm a strange, strange girl!
Anyway, speaking of girls...one showed up yesterday afternoon. The pasture doesn't seem so lonely anymore. At first, they remained huddled together, observing her from afar. But, today, my joined-at-the-hip boys ventured farther apart as the smaller of the two made a move to chat her up. Big boy seemed to be unaffected by her presence, and wouldn't go near her. I think he is establishing his dominance by playing hard to get. She will ultimately ignore the one that likes her and pine away for the bad-boy that won't give her the time of day. I know that scene all too well, I just can't believe I'm watching it being played out in a pasture. I'll keep you posted as the drama unfolds....

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