Sunday, June 08, 2008

Red Pixies for Big Brown

Big Brown chose to not meet the expectations of millions yesterday. Millions of people who lost millions of dollars, in 45 seconds. The resounding "fuck you" that Big Brown delivered in a last place finish was only magnified by the silence of the crowd as they searched their little brains for an answer as to how such a thing could've happened. The beauty lies in the fact that there is no reason. No injury, no jockey miscues...Big Brown simply didn't want to run, so he didn't. Rebel. Gotta love him for that. Taking the steam out of a loathesome sport like horse racing is definitely worthy of a top-tier candy reward. And in my world, the red pixy stick is as good as a crown (and that ugly blanket of carnations). People will eventually forget Big Brown, just as they have forgotten all the other triple crown contenders that also failed to meet their expectations. His owner will always wonder what could have been, and the $2.7m that Big Brown earned in winnings only means that an already rich family has even more money to pour into the flesh trade. Horse racing is a vile industry. But don't take my word for it, ask the "men" who call themselves jockeys...if you can catch them between meal purging and sweat box sessions.
Having said all of that, I must admit that I would love to have the job of naming race horses. I think Big Brown would have been more inspired if he hadn't been named after a corporation. I've made a list, because I like to do that.

IG's list of great race horse names: (do you see a theme?)

Gimme Shelter
Baba O'Riley
London Calling
Paranoid Android
Mrs. Robinson
When Doves Cry
Comfortably Numb
Gone Daddy Gone
Blasphemous Rumours
Ziggy Stardust
About a Girl
Backdoor Man


Anonymous said...

Yeah...I think I'm going to have to let you name my next animal overlord. Your skills are obviously superior to mine.

I finally saw your big boy with those wicked horns, btw. Damn near drove into the ditch staring, and wondering how he wasn't tipping over as he grazed. Does he get headaches?

Anonymous said...

That's a damn good list idea. The theme is not lost on me. Here are a few you left out:

Schizoid Man
Easy Money
Fallen Angel
15 Step
Kid A
Disco Boy
Cosmic Debris
Filthy Habits
Sleep Dirt
Sheik Yourbouti

However, the best match between music and equine title lies in the head of a genius, Frank Zappa. Each song from the following LP (including LP title) would be a perfect horse name.

Over-nite Sensation:

Camarillo Brillo, I'm the Slime, Dirty Love, Fifty-Fifty, Zomby Woof, Dinah-Moe Humm, Montana

The list continues...

Anonymous said...

I like Plumb Dumb - If it goes fast no one would suspect it. I like a good surprise now and then!CM

Anonymous said...

Ok - gotta add my two bits (no pun intended)

Greased Lightning
Tennessee Stud
Ghost Riders

I guess that's three bits...
