Monday, February 04, 2008

Religious Affairs

Which is worse? Having an affair with a man who belongs to another woman, or a man who belongs to Jesus? Either way, it all ends the same...sadness, hurt and a one-way ride to interpersonal purgatory. It is in this place, that you will wonder why you let it go so far, and why you didn't get out while the gettin' was good. You will take the blame, because you plain and simply should have known better. I mean, who can compete with Jesus? And the more significant question is, what kind of a dumb ass would try to? You will replay the beautiful moments you spent together and wonder why didn't that love translate into something real. You will fail, for a period of time, to realize that the guilt and dishonesty that plague the walls of the subterranean life of an affair is too much for even the grandest of love stories...and finally, in your darkest hour, you will begin to rationalize the whole thing away, tidy it up in a little box, and place it in the back of your heart with a label that reads "fragile - handle with care". If you are wise, you will not return to this place, no matter how hot Arabic sounds, or how kind and gentle he may be. If given the opportunity to go it again, the outcome would be the same, he wouldn't have it any other way. I guess losing a good man to Jesus is better than losing him to a 22 year old sorority girl. But then, maybe not. At least I can put gum in her hair.


Anonymous said...

I agree at least the 22yr old is real. By the way I am willing to chew a whole pack of Hubba Bubba if you need it.

Anonymous said...

I believe the secret lies with the man who views you as his Jesus. Don't give a man a choice between woman and religion, just be both. "Jesus" can be anything. Shit, music is my religion so I guess my "Jesus" has three knobs, 21 frets, and a leather strap. Remember that it's always about what you truly belive in.

Idol-girl said...

If you subscribe to the belief that God is Love, then they are one in the same, thus making it impossible to make a choice between the two. If Love is God, then what sense does it make to abandon Love in order to honor God? It makes no sense. But then, what the heck do I know? What I do know is this, I never want to be another person's Jesus. And when it comes to Love, real Love...choice never enters the picture.

JohnJayJay said...

Plus, you can't slash Jesus' he rides a donkey. Also, who needs the ire of PETA, right?